Sunday, 21 February 2010

Construction 1

I have started construction of my final product.

I am taking into account the results of my audience feedback from all stages to make sure I construct the most effective product possible.

I have decided to use Adobe Photoshop for the bulk of the construction of my front page, as it is fairly graphic heavy, and I feel from experience that Photoshop is the best software available for this type of page. For the more text-based first page, I will use Microsoft Publisher as again I feel from experience that this is an effective programme to use for a text-heavy page.

I have started to use Photoshop to construct a logo for the newspaper brand. As mentioned in my planning, between the two newspaper pages and my ancillary tasks I want to create a strong brand identity, with a logo that is a semiotic sign of my brand - so that the newspaper brand can be easily identified by a younger target audience with a shorter attention span and a greater brand disloyalty. So far I have been concentrating on overlaying the newspaper name, The Pool, on to an image of the Liverpool skyline which I have edited using Photoshop. After a couple of attempts I am currently favouring the design shown below:

However I am going to design a couple more contrasting logos before I settle on the above design as a definite final logo.

EDIT - I have experimented with different variations on the skyline/text theme and decided that the previously shown design is most effective, so I will be using that during construction as my brand logo.

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