Monday, 14 December 2009

Focus Group

I assembled a small focus group of 10 people from the target audience, and presented them with the layout drafts I have drawn up for my newspaper.

We discussed which was preferred and why, and I noted down comments made. These are shown below:

I have decided, as a result of the focus group feedback, and my own research, that the option below would be the most suitable layout to go for. This is because it tends to follow convention expected by the audience as evident in the focus group; but also provides a clear page to be able to read. Depending on the content needed for my front page, the final version may vary slightly in layout from this, but I will be sticking closely to this layout.

I also took the opportunity to ask about the fonts I had collated from Da Font to see which the audience felt was most suitable.

I have already made the decision to stick to Segoe/Calibri/Arial for the body text as it is clearest to read and fairly conventional to all print-based media, however I wanted to use a more experimental and 'youthful' font for the headlines, to appeal to the target audience.

Out of the fonts shown, 'You Are Loved' recieved the most positive response along with 'More Than Enough'. We agreed that these two fonts were bold and striking, and most likely to catch the eye of the audience. Some focus group members commented that 'Inked God' was an "exciting" font, however personally I think the large serifs and detailing on this font would not make it suitable for the headlines. The three fonts discussed are shown below. I will experiment with the 'You Are Loved' and 'More Than Enough' fonts favoured during the production of my drafts.

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